Generation of the autonomous robotic drones...

Autonomous & Intelligent Robotic Flight for Orchestrated Work (AiRFLOW) is the industry leading cloud platform & framework which is the foundation of our solutions and interconnects software, hardware solutions and services under a unified umbrella. You may utilize the AiRFLOW platform with our enterprise-ready servers or use your own.

Key Features
  1. Limitless “over-the-air” services
  2. Integration with various providers and 3rd party services
  3. Integrated military-grade security
  4. Swarming capabilities
  5. Traffic control for avoiding commercial aircrafts (complies with EASA regulations)
  6. Runs on-premises with your infrastructure
Easy Installation (On-premises)
  • Buy our enterprise-ready servers with AiRFLOW pre-installed (optional support)
    • Cloud server
    • Local server
  • Use your own servers and install AiRFLOW as a VM (optional support)
For more information please visit the AiRFLOW website.

The specialized framework for Parrot ANAFI drones. ANAFI-Smart is a subset of the AiRFLOW platform and is built on top of its cloud infrastructure.

Key Features
  1. Limitless “over-the-air” services
  2. Integration with various providers and 3rd party services
  3. Integrated military-grade security
  4. Swarming capabilities
  5. Runs on-premises with your infrastructure

The specialized framework for AUTEL EVO II series & DJI Mavic series drones. Bifrost is a subset and extension of the AiRFLOW platform and is built on top of its cloud infrastructure.

Key Features
  1. Limitless “over-the-air” services
  2. Integration with various providers and 3rd party services
  3. Integration with various modules
  4. Integrated military-grade security
  5. Swarming capabilities
  6. Runs on-premises with your infrastructure