PROBOTEK has developed an advanced ecosystem for the drone sector. Our extensive knowledge in the IoT sector and our mission critical approach enables an entirely new way of delivering complete enterprise services for all kinds and scales. This is why we built special software to aim and support both proven brands and custom solutions as well. For more information check AiRFLOW, ANAFI-Smart and Bifrost.
When it comes to AI/ML solutions many variables affect your desicion. Among them, accuracy and speed. PROBOTEK engineers have done extensive research on the field in order to provide top-notch solutions that work out of the box. For more information check PERCEPTRON, Dragonfly, ALiSA, CEREBRUM and Cyclops.
Ground station software in the market is mainly for hobbyists. PROBOTEK aims higher from an enterprise perspective. Our Mission Control Center (MCC) is an integrated platform and application for mission critical flights. For more information check AiR-MCC, Q-MCC and XB-MCC.
In the drone cosmos, one of the most demanding requirement for long range flights and uninterruptible BVLOS is the telemetry. PROBOTEK faces the challenges of terrain, sea, etc. and suggests two solutions for enterprise-ready missions. For more information check AiRFLOW Connect and ConnectiKR0N.
Robots and drones are becoming one... PROBOTEK transforms plain drones or smart drones into robotic drones with capabilities
beyond the known horizon. We challenge the market by inventing future technologies, today.
For more information check:
There is a new fascinating era coming soon... In this era robotic drones and UAVs provide exceptional, yet affordable services
which otherwise would be either too expensive or impossible to obtain. PROBOTEK is already developing horizontal and vertical
solutions to cover even the most demanding business cases in the upcoming market.
For more information check:
PROBOTEK provides a next generation Air Traffic Control (ATC) infrastructure that consists of distributed low power, autonomous mini ATC devices. The modular architecture of the system enables easy and reliable monitoring over large regions. For more information check D-ATMC.
PROBOTEK resells and installs DroneShield's high-tech anti-drone technologies. DroneShield offers the top anti-drone solutions on the globe. For more information check DroneSentinel, DroneGun and DroneNode.
In the IoT era there is not a thing, that can not be integrated or utilized as part of a larger ecosystem. PROBOTEK will make sure of that. We are experts in the field of IoT and embedded systems and for that purpose we envision a world of devices that work together with drones to provide unprecedented solutions. PROBOTEK has developes already off-the-shelf IoT integrations for the security sector. For more information check SENTiNEL, Alarm systems, Sensors and SigFox.
Certain problems need special attention, another point of view and vision. PROBOTEK as one of the top innovators in the IT market introduces technologies in the telecommunication and network sectors. Facing the challenges of security, crisis management, civil protection, medical assistance, etc. we are proud to offer unique solutions to companies and end-customers. For more information check Siλence and Z0C / TMS App.
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